Thursday, September 21, 2023

Miles Morales: Spider Man the Graphic Novel, by Brian Michael Bendis (author) & Sara Pichelli (illustrator)

     Chapter 2 of my journey into Miles Morales, this is the graphic novel version of the same character written about in my last blog (the chapter book by Jason Reynolds). We have this in the library, and I happened upon it just as I was finishing the Reynolds version. Full disclosure; I don't read a lot of graphic novels, for no particular reason (and to be honest, when I do read them I usually really enjoy them!). So I was a little hesitant to read this, but my expert-teacher friend had read this and wanted to know what I thought of it, as well as the comparison to the Reynolds chapter book.

    I was skeptical at first...but I have to admit, I liked this version better than the chapter book! For one, I am in awe of illustrators like Pichelli who can bring a story to life so colorfully and vividly, panel after panel after panel...what talent! But the story, which was helped along by my reading the chapter book already, was better told - or perhaps, told more completely - than I thought the chapter book was. Reynolds's version explained Miles's friend, Ganke, better than the graphic novel. But the other details were better laid out in the graphic novel, in my not-so-humble pug opinion!

    Apparently there are 26 books in the graphic novel version of Miles Morales, and I may "swing" into the second one sometime this year. If you like graphic novels, you will probably like this! If you enjoy super hero comics, you probably know this one already...but if not, 4 paws and a wag!

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