Monday, August 16, 2021

Born to Fly, by Steve Sheinkin

 The newest book from my FAVORITE non-fiction author Steve Sheinkin! Several of his books have been OBOB books over the years - Benedict Arnold, Bomb, Port Chicago 50 - and if you've never read a book by him, do yourself a favor and read one now! Hey, why not this newest one?

Born to Fly tells the story of the first women's airplane race, which occurred across the United States in 1929. Names you may know, like Amelia Earhart, were there, but also were many names you might not know - but should! In larger part, this book tells about some of the best of the best in women's aviation history, when airplanes were new, pilots were few, and many people (men, mostly) believed flying was no place for a woman. Sheinkin points out that one hundred years later those feelings still hold true in many ways, which is a tragedy. It would seem society would have evolved past such ignorant sexism in the 21st century, but...we still have a long way to go.

The book started a little slow, and it was hard to follow all of the names as Sheinkin tries to introduce a few dozen of the women who would make up part of the Derby field. But if you are patient, and don't get too caught up in remembering who is who at the beginning, it really falls into place about halfway through, and from there until the end will hold you riveted!

I recommend any and all books by this author, and although this still isn't my all-time favorite of his, it is exceptional, and important, and part of our nation's history...and you should give it a try! 5 paws!

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