Everyone should read one Carl Hiaasen book in their lifetimes...at least one. This is my third, and it is a good one! My first ever was Hoot, still my favorite of his - perhaps because it was the first! The second was Flush, which I liked but it was a little too much like Hoot for my to love love it. And now Squirm, his newest, is my third. All of his books for teens have environmental themes to them, which makes them unique from most other teen work, and also something I appreciate and enjoy. The books I have read also take place in Florida, where Hiaasen lives, although Squirm splits time between Florida and Montana. In short, a good story about a teen, Billy, who moves a lot due to his mom's obsession with bald eagles, his search for his dad, who left the family when Billy was younger, snakes, grizzly bears, poaching (killing animals illegally for fun or money), and nature...with some Native American elements thrown in for added depth. I like that Hiaasen writes for teens, but not in an overly dramatic or typical "teen" way - more like he's writing teen stories for adults, or adult stories for teens. He also writes many adult novels, but I've only read his teen books so far, and I would recommend any of them to you, especially if you've never tried one! 4.5 paws!