Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell, by Chris Colfer

I am 11 years old, which is like 77 years old in people years. I know I have lived more years than I probably have left to live. Which means when I read a book, I want it to be a good book - it doesn't always have to be amazing, but it should always be good, at least. This book by the Glee actor Chris Colfer is popular, I know, and the cover even states that it is or was a national best seller. I know it's book one in a series, a pretty popular series, too. So, even though it's an OBOB book this year, and I try to read all the OBOB books every year, I only have a few left to read, and this was one of the last. And I tried...I really did. I read to page 148. That's a lot of pages, especially in a book I wasn't sure I was enjoying. Yesterday I saw another book that I hadn't seen before, and today while I was reading The Wishing Spell, I kept thinking about starting that other book. I also kept thinking that Chris Colfer is that person who has talent, a fair amount, and can write, but not really well, but for some reason people in his life keep telling him he's brilliant, when he's not quite that amazing. I know many of you like his writing, and I respect that - the way only a pug can! But I have to stop reading this book. He's the wizard behind the curtain...not exactly all he's declared to be. I give this book 2 paws, and I'm excited to start that other book...I hope it's good! Oh, and BTW, good readers - like you! - don't finish a book they are not enjoying! But, they give it a fair chance (meaning more than one or two pages), and they don't let one "bad" book speak for all books or reading in general. You will find a good book, probably many, in your reading life. But be sure to make reading part of your life! It will always serve you well!

Image result for the wishing spell colfer

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