Saturday, July 20, 2024

And Then, BOOM! by Lisa Fipps

     The second book by Fipps, the author of highly acclaimed Starfish, and an equally good release! And Then, BOOM! is the story of young Joe, whose mother has a tendency to get "the itch", when she disappears from home for hours, days...sometimes weeks at a time. In those instances, Joe is being raised by his Grandmum, but they struggle to make ends meet financially, and soon find themselves facing hunger and homelessness. 

    Like Starfish, Fipps writes this book in verse, which is really powerful and also nice for those of you who may get overwhelmed, or even bored, with regular chapter books. I've always had an admiration for writers who write books in verse, as it seems more difficult - not less - the tell a good story using less words rather than more. Authors like Karen Hesse, Sharon Creech and Kwame Alexander are some of my favorite authors who use verse expertly!

    There is one big event in And Then, BOOM! that was a bit tough to believe, and I think you'll know it when you get to it. But outside of that one hiccup, I really liked Joe and his story. Fipps writes this book from experience, just like her first, and her voice really comes through her characters very strongly. This book will make you feel for Joe - and anyone, including maybe you - who are or have had to survive poverty, in its many forms. You never know what a person's story is when you meet them, or simply pass them in your day-to-day life. It's good to remember that, and to show kindness whenever and to whomever you can. 4 paws!

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