Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Daisy Woodworm Changes the World, by Melissa Hart

     The second chapter book by Eugene, Oregon author Hart, and as good as her first, Avenging the Owl. Hart draws upon her own life experiences as she crafts the story of Daisy, sister to brother Sorrel (a.k.a. Squirrel), who has Down's Syndrome (as does Hart's brother). Daisy is trying to "change the world", per a class assignment in school, and in doing so faces challenges from a bully, her family, and simply the world itself. She leans on friends, some not so friendly, and her own resilience to make the changes she and Squirrel dream about. Mostly, Daisy changes herself.

    I enjoy Hart's writing, and love how she ties in parts of herself into the story. The obvious parts, such as having a brother with Down's, is more obvious, as she shares this info on the author's page at the end of the story. But some not so obvious parts are Hart's love of running, for example, and how Daisy is on a track team in the story. Hart has visited Briggs as an author, and even helped with OBOB last season by being a volunteer moderator for our region! Avenging the Owl was an OBOB book a few years ago, and I'm certain Daisy will be one as well. A cute story whose tone reminded me of Because of Winn Dixie, and a book you are sure to enjoy! 4 paws!

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