Monday, March 14, 2022

Linked, by Gordon Korman

     Has anyone written more books for young adults and teens than Korman? If so, I'm not sure who that would be...he has over 70 titles, and so many of them are good it's tough to keep up! In fact, anytime someone asks me for a recommendation of a good book, especially a funny one, Korman is the first writer I recommend! His books aren't usually "literature", in the sense of being classics that will last forever, like The Giver, for example. But titles like Schooled, No More Dead Dogs and Restart are really good, worth reading more than once even. 

    Linked is Korman's latest, and has a really interesting plot. Someone at a middle school in Colorado is painting swastikas around school property, bringing up a racist past that the town either pretends never happened or wants to ignore. At the same time, main character Lincoln discovers his grandparents survived the Holocaust, and he decides he wants to learn more about his Jewish ancestry. Perhaps only Korman can infuse humor into such a story, but he can, and he does. The story is told from multiple points of view, something Korman also does a lot in his writing, and it works pretty well. One of the narrators is even a TikTok star (in the story), which adds to the humor (and the meanness as well). To counter the hateful images appearing at school, the student body decides to make a paper chain link, representing all the Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis - all 6 million of them.

    It's a really good and unique storyline. Korman is a really good writer with a lot of experience. This book is already getting a lot of good reviews. But...I don't think it's his best work. I didn't like the way he decided to end the story. It seemed too easy and not very believable. I think the good reviews are based on the important story line, and I don't disagree with that. If the Holocaust and Nazi Germany appeals to you, give this a try. It's a different take on that world event that still has relevance today. If you just want to read something funny by one of the best humor writers in YA books, choose one of the titles listed above instead. Or at least try one of those after you read this one. 

    I give this 3 paws and a wag, for the important story line. Not bad, by any means, but he's written better.

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