Saturday, October 3, 2020

Bearmouth, by Liz Hyder

 An ARC means Advanced Reader Copy, which means having the chance to read a book before it is finally out out to the public. Bearmouth arrived for me in the mail two weeks ago, my first ever ARC! Cool, right?! Vivi, the Dog with the Blog, has arrived!  :)

Bearmouth is really good, but not a book for everyone. It tells the story of Newt, who is ends up as a young person doing hard labor in an underground mine, made up of layers and layers of tunnels and mines underground. There are so many things Newt doesn't know and understand at the start of the story, but discovers with time, and pages, and events. These events are not often pleasant, and at times are very harsh. But Newt does create a small community underground, and eventually discovers the power of the word "why". 

You will like this book if you are drawn to dark stories, with multiple layers and themes built in. Bearmouth is a mix of Ship Breaker, Lord of the Flies, and...perhaps some Charles Dickens thrown in? I liked the book - well written, different story line than most books I've read. But again, this isn't for everyone. Probably mature 8th graders and older might like this book. I don't know of anyone younger who would push through it...but maybe I'm wrong? 4 paws.

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