Saturday, April 18, 2020

Serafina and the Black Cloak, by Robert Beatty

Black Cloak is the first book in a 4-book series, released in 2015. So it isn't super new, but since adding the other two books in the series to the library earlier this year, I've been wanting to read at least book one. And now I have!

There is a lot to love about this book; it is truly one of the scarier books I have ever read, as scary as Famous Last Words or The Night Gardener! It's main protagonist, or main character in the story, is a very strong, smart girl. There are several places throughout the book where I couldn't read fast enough - if that isn't the definition of a page-turner, I don't know what is! It took place at a real location, the Biltmore, in North Carolina, which I have actually! There is something about Sera, the main character, that becomes clearer as the book moves forward - something you probably won't guess until at least half-way through! And, it's book one in a series, so there is plenty more to read!

A few things that made me think, "Darn!" about this book, too. About midway through the book author Beatty pretty much explains everything that he's been wanting you, the reader, to figure out about Serafina so far. Why did he suddenly decide to treat us like we were too stupid to figure it out on our own? I'm not sure, but it was disappointing. Secondly, the ending of the book was page-turning but also too "easy", in my opinion.  What I mean is the author ties together a few main parts of the story in a way that was much too easy and convenient. The rest of the book didn't do that (except that middle part I mentioned), so why at the end?

The edition of this book that I have has the first two chapters of book two in it, and I admit I read them as if they were a continuation of book one. I skipped a lot, because it was setting you up for the second book as if you hadn't read the first one (but who does that?). And it sounds good, too. 

Sooo...Black Cloak was good enough to read, and to recommend to you, especially you fans of true murder mysteries/horror books! It had some flaws, pretty big ones, but otherwise you will enjoy this, I think, if the above-named genres interest you at all. Not sure if I will get to the rest of the series - I rarely do, only because there are so many other books I want to read right now! However, if I had book two here with me, I admit I'd probably keep going...a strong recommendation from a picky pug! 4 paws!

Serafina and the Black Cloak (The Serafina Series Book 1 ...

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