Friday, November 22, 2019

The Perfect Horse, by Elizabeth Letts

The full title of this book is The Perfect Horse: The Daring Rescue of Horses Kidnapped During World War II.  It tells the story of how, during WWII, the German Nazi's purposely traveled the world collecting (in many cases, stealing) the best horses they could find. The goal was to begin breeding the best horses in the world to support the Nazi war effort. This occurred alongside the horrific killing of what turned into millions of people to create a "master race" of Aryans (White-skinned people with other specific characteristics that they determined made them better than all others).  In some sense, the holocaust played out not just for human beings but for horses as well. Who knew?

This book is intense, informative, and pretty hard to follow, as it contains a lot of characters spread across the globe, and a lot of war history and events that were changing rapidly as well. If you really love horses, and/or want to read something about World War II that you probably didn't know, pushing through this title will be worthwhile for you. It is very good. If your interest in either of those things is only slight, this may be too much to trudge through. A really well done book, but you decide if it's right for you! 4 paws!

Image result for the perfect horse book

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