All that said, this book is awesome! A mix of World War 2 Spain, underworld beings and creatures, fairies, the beauty and ugliness of humanity, struggle, wealth and poverty, gender inequalities, oh, and murder and torture. This book covers a lot of ground, and does it in a way that makes it difficult not to read the next page! I am not familiar with the movie version of Pan's Labyrinth, but perhaps some of you are. I am familiar with Funke, who has written some of the best fantasy in YA and teen lit, in my opinion - Inkheart being my favorite, but also Dragon Rider and others. It's been a while since I've read anything by her, but wow, she has gotten SO good with this book!
Knowing the story as I do now, I don't know if I could read it again, knowing what happens along the way. But I cannot remember a book that I wished I had not read so that I could read it again for the first time! If death and darkness do not disturb you, read this, and then let's chat about it! 5 paws for sure!

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