Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Catwoman: Soulstealer, by Sarah J. Maas

Wow, sometimes it just takes a little while to finish a book, you know? Now that it is raining less (slightly!), and sunny more (slightly!), I find myself laying on the back deck in the sun, barking at birds and chasing insects, and my reading lags a little. Anyway, I managed to get through this 3rd book in the DC Comics chapter book series, and it was...okay.  While I read I was trying to think of what I wanted to read next (not a good sign while reading a book to wonder about the next one) and whether I wasn't as fond of this book because the main character is a villain instead of a hero, like Wonder Woman or Batman.  I'm not sure, but this one was just okay, of the first three in the series so far. It had action, romance, adventure, super heroes (although the "good" superhero was Batwing...never heard of that character before, have you? It had all the elements of a great story, and it was...good. Not bad, but not great. I still think Wonder Woman was the best of the series so far, and I'm looking forward to book #4, Superman! In the meantime, if you read Catwoman, let me know what you think of it! I love to be talked into a so-so book being really great for someone! 3 paws.

Image result for catwoman maas

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