Thursday, October 24, 2024

Fighting Words, by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

     In Fighting Words, sisters Della (twelve years old) and Suki (seventeen years old) have just landed in another foster home. Their mom is incarcerated (in jail) for drug use and related issues. Both sisters have been abused for quite a long period of time, until something happens that gets them placed in foster care. Nothing about this story is easy, or necessarily nice, but it is a story that author Bradley has real life experience with. This book is interesting, intense, and very, very well written. I don't know how anyone can write of abuse, especially abuse of children, with clarity and poise and such real-world words and feelings and in such an engaging way, but Bradley does it.

    I have read a few of Bradley's books, as she is one of my favorite authors of historical fiction. Fighting Words is not historical but very realistic, and was awarded the Newbery Honor the year it was released, 2020. I found it to be a very difficult subject to read about, but so well written that I couldn't help keep reading. I was bummed when the book was finished, but so happy at the strength of the sisters...I recommend this tough book to anyone. 5 paws!

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