Wednesday, September 18, 2024

War Stories, by Gordon Korman

     Sometimes, when I don't know what to read next, I reach back and grab a great Gordon Korman book! It's like visiting a friend you haven't talked to in a while! When my human first started his college program to become a librarian, Korman was on a book tour and presented at a school nearby. He was SO funny and interesting, and his books are the same. By now he has written way over 60 books, and although I've only read 5 or 6 of them, I've enjoyed every single one...that is some talent!

    War Stories is told by Trevor, who is infatuated (or very, very interested in) World War 2. His great grandfather, Jacob, actually fought in that war, and is being honored in France for helping to free a village from the Nazi's. Trevor and his dad decide that they will make the trip to France with Jacob, which makes Trevor super excited! Along the way, Jacob recounts his time in the service, from boot camp until his company landed in Normandy to chase out the German troops. But as the story unfolds, Trevor begins to realize that he has never been told the entire story...which isn't as glamorous at it first sounded.

    Korman does not write great literature that will be remembered for centuries, probably, but he is a first-rate story teller! I have never read a bad Korman book. War Stories is very good, not terribly complicated or challenging to follow or read, but you'll find yourself turning pages as fast as you can read them! He simply tells a wonderful story, every time! If you have any interest in World War 2, or wars in general, this is a good book to read. I found it to be very fair in portraying all sides of a war. If you like it, consider reading Schooled, No More Dead Dogs, or Restart, some of my favorite Korman books to date. You won't be disappointed! 4 paws and a wag!

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