I've been looking forward to reading this graphic novel ever since it came out last year, based on all the exciting reviews it was getting! I admit, I was not disappointed! Author and illustrator Johnnie Christmas (what a great name right? Sounds like a detective's name in a good mystery!) creates a really relatable character in Bree, who is afraid of the water and cannot swim, yet ends up in a swimming class when her and her dad move to Florida. What unfolds is a nice blend of friendship issues, family dynamics, and a little history of access to swimming pools and lakes as the United States grapples with its racist past (and present).
Swim Team covers a topic not often covered in teen and young adult books, and in a really honest way, I think. A few of the characters don't get as established as some others do, which is a little detracting from the overall story, but not enough for this book not to be on your must-read list. The writing/artwork combo remind me a lot of Jerry Craft's books, which should also be on your must-read list, if you haven't read them already! 4 paws and a wag for this engaging graphic novel.
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