Sunday, October 17, 2021

Deep Water, by Watt Key

     Another of this season's OBOB books, and a really riveting adventure story that takes place almost entirely in the water! You know what that means...sharks, for one, right?! This is not the first novel for author Key, but the first I've read, and I confess that I will look to read more. One in particular, titled Alabama Moon, has gotten really good reviews, and would probably be the next one of his I would "dive into"...get it? 

    Deep Water is a story about Julie Simms, who helps her dad run a scuba business off the coast of Alabama. They take a father and son out for a very special, expensive dive, and things do not go as planned. This is a page-turner, with action right from the start! Fans of Anthony Horowitz (Alex Rider series) would love this, as might fans of the late Gary Paulsen, perhaps, as their is plenty of surviving that goes on this book!

    My only criticism of Deep Water, and it's only a minor one, is that it seems to get a little stuck about 2/3 of the way through. The adventure continues, but it takes a turn and in my opinion loses a little steam at the bend. But a strong story altogether, and another strong OBOB book for this season (which is turning out to be really good)! 4 paws!

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