Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Kind of a Big Deal, by Shannon Hale

    One more dog blog post on this last day of Shannon Hale, of Real Friends and Best Friends (graphic novels) fame, writer of one of my all-time favorite books, Princess Academy, released this latest chapter book about a young woman who drops out of high school early to pursue her dream of performing on Broadway.  At high school, Josie Pie is such a talented actress that the drama teacher urges her to go to New York and audition for a Broadway show. Things don't turn out exactly as she had hoped or planned, but the rest is where this story goes in a million different directions...all at the same time!

    Hale has been writing for a long time, and book 1 in the Princess Academy series really is one of the best teen book I have ever read! And I've read a lot of books, dawg! But Big Deal is anything BUT a big deal. I finished it, so there is THAT, but only because I was hoping she somehow brought this story together in one brilliant finish. The ending did get better, for a little while, but then dissolved again into a "what else could I be reading?" kind of book.  

    Some of Hale's books are brilliant (those mentioned above, minus this new one), so make a point of checking something out that she has written. But unless you are a thespian (and if you know what that is you probably are one, which is a good thing!), you could spend your time better on any number of other stories. 3 paws, and only because it's Shannon Hale!

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