Sunday, December 29, 2019

Renegades, by Marissa Meyer

The first book in the trilogy, and another book that was loved by a Briggs I thought I'd give it a try! Washington-born Meyers is the author of the Lunar Chronicles series, which started with Cinder...a book I tried three different times and just could not get past the first chapter! I love the premise of those books, but cyborg Cinderella? Um, sorry...too far away from what my pug brain is ready to accept to be able to get into it (although I know many of you have read it and loved it!).

I was able to make it through the entire book of Renegades, which is no small feat, as it's over 500 pages long. A few times along the way I wished it were shorter so I could finish it and move on to something else. At the same time there were moments where I couldn't help but move on to the next chapter to find out what was going to happen next! So, a good read, a fun story, not amazing, but better than average. Not Marie Lu or Leigh Bardugo, but better than...well, better than Cinder.

If you like any part of superhero or fantasy stories, you should give this a try! Don't let the number of pages keep you from reading it - in most places it reads very quickly. There is a lot of action and plenty of twists in the plot to keep you moving ahead. I rarely read further into a series, and I'm not sure I would move into the second book or not...I'll have to see if these characters stay with me into next week. They may, and I may dive into the book 2. But whether or not that happens, I would recommend this to you if you enjoy fantasy and/or superhero stories. It's fun! 4 paws!

Image result for renegades marissa meyer

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