Sunday, November 4, 2018

The First Rule of Punk, by Celia C. Perez

How can I NOT read a book with 'punk' in its title? Answer...I can't! I've had this book in the library all school year so far - it was published this year, 2018, but not a single kiddo has looked at it. The cover isn't very attractive to the middle school crowd, I think, and perhaps that is why it sits. However, the reviews on this book have been really good, so I thought I'd better read it so I could talk it up and help it start circulating...or else see why it isn't, if it isn't the cover.

Come to find out, The First Rule of Punk is a good book! I don't know if this is Perez's first book or not (the author notes don't say), but it seems like it might be. There is some formula here that heavy readers might recognize right away, but it doesn't weaken the overall story too much. On the other hand, the strong main character, Maria Luisa, or Malu, carries a lot of the load - she is smart, strong, vulnerable, young, courageous, and very real - someone a lot of readers could identify with, I think. Her parents are divorced, as happens in many YA and teen books, but they are still friends, and are even raising Malu together, even though from different cities. But they aren't a train wreck, and they are both still alive, two things that are usually cookie cutter recipes for most YA books. So the book doesn't follow all the same routes of many books out today, but a few, which makes this a 4 paw book instead of a 5 paw book...but still a fun read! You'll enjoy Maria Luisa and her punk spirit! I know I did!

Image result for The First Rule of Punk

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