A friendship story. Period.
This new graphic novel is about four girls who become friends as sophomores in high school (second year students). Three of the girls were friends coming into the new school year, and Sasha becomes the newest friend when the other girls step in to rescue her from her first period, which occurs at school (of course!). She is unsure about what is happening or what to do, and of course other kids turn on her and make fun of her for some weeks afterward. People can be mean, can't they?
Go With The Flow is a new graphic novel from artists Williams and Schneemann who began an online comic series titled The Mean Magenta a few years ago. The comic series, and this book, address menstruation - periods - something that girls first experience at some point in their young lives but is still seen as a taboo topic in most social settings (like school). In the book, the girls are upset that even though there are dispensers in their high school for products to assist with a period, they are not stocked with supplies - yet the football team gets new uniforms every year, so clearly the school has money. Why are girls' needs not being better addressed at school? A fair question, and these fearless four girls go to work to try and solve this "problem".
A good book, an important topic that I don't think should be a "thing", but apparently it is, even in 2025! I'm not sure the topic will appeal to everyone, but I wish it did...we could all help each other with the parts of being human that we don't control, and make topics about things like menstruation not something to be secretive, or embarrassed, about! Nice, clear artwork, and a topic I haven't seen addressed in a book since Judy Bloom did it many years ago! 4 paws!