Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Kingdom of Back, by Marie Lu


The first book I ever read by Marie Lu was Legend, which I liked a lot. The second was Batman, which was very good, but I liked Wonder Woman, by Leigh Bardugo but part of that same super hero chapter book series, a bit better. The third book was Warcross, which I didn't expect to like but I really did! And now, Back, which is Lu at her best!

In this new book she blends historical fiction with fantasy, something I would have never guessed possible, and she does it brilliantly! This tells the story of the famous composer Mozart, and his sister, who is the main character in this story. Growing up together the two Mozart children are musical geniuses, but because she is female, he gets the attention, praise, accolades -  even though she is writing and playing as well, if not better, than he is. Her frustration leads her into a fantasy world where she is promised that things in the "real" world will go her way, in return for some favors by her to restore a prince to his rightful place in the kingdom, the Kingdom of Back.

Lu writes it much better than I can explain it, and all I can say is you HAVE to read this! This is one of the best books I have read this year...I may have to read it again! Awesome! 5 paws! The Kingdom of Back (9781524739010): Lu, Marie: Books

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Stars Beneath Our Feet, by David Barclay Moore

     "We often feel that we must say what we must say. It's also crucial, however, to listen to other voices. Listening, I think, is the best way to learn about those who differ from you. Reading is a form of listening."

    From the author's notes at the end of this book, and what a great, powerful message. Stars is the debut novel from author Moore, and this story of 12-year-old Lolly, growing up in New York City and trying to navigate life, choices, friends, enemies, family...all in the course of about a year. At times I found Moore's writing a little jumpy, as he wrote to mimic Lolly's thoughts, which don't always flow from one topic to the next smoothly. But this jumpiness was infrequent, and didn't take away from my understanding of Lolly or his story. 

    One of the author's praising the book wrote that the characters will stay with you, and they do. A very strong first book by a talented author. I look forward to reading more of Moore's books in the future. Not yet a Walter Dean Myers, Jason Reynolds or Jacqueline Woodson, he may well be headed that direction - a good voice in the diversity of teen books that is still so desperately needed.

I give this a strong 4 paws!

The Stars Beneath Our Feet: Moore, David Barclay: 9781524701246 ...

The Science of Being Angry, by Nicole Melleby

     The Science of Being Angry is one of several book by author Nicole Melleby , but I haven't read any of them before this. I discove...